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Home / TRIP IDEAS / What to anticipate from your trips this month, according to your sign, is in your December 2022 horoscope.

What to anticipate from your trips this month, according to your sign, is in your December 2022 horoscope.

2022-12-01  Diana Solomon

Professional astrologer Kirah Tabourn interprets your monthly horoscope in this column and explains how it might affect your trip plans. 

Lin Chen

After an unsettling fall season, we enter December looking for solace. If you are uncertain about where you are in life and what lies ahead, you are not alone. The good news is that December will assist us in reorienting ourselves with fresh hope and trust, opening new possibilities for the upcoming year. 


Mercury and Venus begin December by leaving Sagittarius, where the sun will stay until the winter solstice on December 21. Before the winter chill sets in, take advantage of the Sagittarius season, which teaches us about faith, excitement, optimism, and the fervor and fire of intellectual and philosophical contemplation. In the final weeks before darkness sets in, we are encouraged to rekindle our spirits while clinging to the hope that the light will return in the spring. Take in as much positive energy as you can this month and store it in your spiritual backpack to carry with you throughout the season. A fantastic way to use this enthusiasm is to plan an upcoming vacation. Spend more time this month, if you're currently traveling, savoring the areas you visit. 


There are a few significant dates to keep an eye on throughout this period. On 7th Dec, the first full moon of the month will occur with a full moon in Gemini perfectly aligned with Mars. Wherever you are that night, make sure to look up in the sky because you might see our red neighbor Mars next to the brilliant moon. This month's full moon falls around the halfway point of Mars' retrograde motion (30 October to 13 January). Mars' retrograde in Gemini has provided you with a wide range of alternatives and directions you may choose. You probably struggled with the pressure to make decisions, whether they were regarding your profession, your relationships, or your trip plans. This full moon makes you acutely aware of the choices you must make and implores you to continue exploring and learning as you choose a course of action. Be prepared for sharper, cruder talks around this time, especially if traveling and attempting to speak foreign languages, since this full moon has an aggressive tendency as well. 


The energy changes to become more grounded, realistic, and work-oriented when Mercury, Venus, and the Sun all move into Capricorn. Capricorn is all about establishing long-term objectives and creating reliable, enduring structures and methods. You are invited into a new cycle of exerting the effort required to achieve your goals when the Capricorn new moon occurs on December 23. Mercury will go backward in Capricorn at the end of the month, starting on December 29 and lasting until January 19: While now isn't the best time to make vacation arrangements, it is a fantastic time to start researching and making plans. Be cautious to provide additional time and space for delays and poor communication if you're traveling during the retrograde (perhaps for a New Year's Eve vacation). Even if everything goes wrong, you can still have a great time. 


Here is your horoscope for December 2022. 


Note from the astrologer: Your signs are referred to here as "rising" signs, also referred to as your ascendant sign. When horoscopes are read in this manner, they are more accurate. Using the time and place of your birth, you may easily locate your rising sign online (it takes less than 30 seconds). 


Lin Chen a

Scorpio Rising 


You become more shrewd and perceptive in December as your governing planet Mars continues its retrograde motion, especially when traveling. This month, if you're traveling, you'll probably want to go out and about, see the places you're in, and get to know the locals a little better. Even if you stay at home, you'll be busy running around your town and neighborhood, possibly buying presents or just taking the day off. Listen to the desire to explore new things, whether it's learning a new language or exploring a portion of your hometown or city you weren't aware existed. A Gemini full moon on December 7 puts a spotlight on how this Mars retrograde is about demonstrating all of your talents. Around this time, be prepared to feel incredibly engaged. The full moon marks the midway point of Mars retrograde, so you're halfway to moving forward and taking action in mid-January. 


As you immerse yourself in your immediate surroundings, your mind is thinking much more broadly as you consider where your travels will take you over the next year and beyond. You might be tempted to start looking at travel destinations for 2023. For the first four months of 2023, there will be plenty of chances to travel abroad and see different cultures, so start planning your trip today. 


Mercury and Venus enter Capricorn on December 10, a sign associated with your job and employment, beginning a phase during the following four weeks of a greater concentration on business-related issues. You've worked hard over the past two years to expand your social network and your business network. You're encouraged to consider what lies ahead for you as we go closer to the conclusion of the year. You could feel that it's time to take a professional break and get some relaxation and renewal. Maybe you're prepared to change your strategy so you can better assist others. Take the rest of December to consider what changes are inevitably beginning to occur in your workplace because a lot will happen in 2023. The beginning of a new cycle in your work life is signaled by a Capricorn new moon on Friday, December 23. What is ahead for you? 


Virgo Rising 


As planets complete their transit through Sagittarius, the area of your chart that deals with obligations and entanglements, we approach December in a quieter environment than normal. Spend some time thinking about what you may owe people and what you owe yourself, not only financially but also emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. Do you have any debts that are preventing you from moving forward or making you feel burdened? How may a sense of imagined debt limit your freedom? Do you believe that others owe you their information or point of view? Start this month out by giving yourself a boost of energy. 

A full moon in Gemini on December 7 shines a focus on your money and your possessions. Because it is the season for giving gifts, this lunation would be ideal for shopping. Especially on the day of the full moon, you're sure to find some amazing deals. Soon after, your ruling planets Venus and Mercury move into Capricorn, pointing you in the direction of uncharted territory. You see the world and its vastness through the Capricorn lens. Few others appreciate this rocky ball in the skies' genuine beauty as much as you do, and you feel a deep need to care for this planet and all of its inhabitants. You may have spent the previous two to three years learning how to dedicate your time to helping others. You are encouraged to continue creating the world this month by developing your faith, your hope, and your capacity for fresh perspectives. Despite all you have experienced this year, you are still standing and still have the power to change the world. 


Consider spending a lot of time considering your future goals in life, work, and travel. You'll love immersing yourself in a new culture if you find yourself traveling this month. If you're planning a trip in the future, consider the actual land and terrain you feel most drawn to, because nature is what truly draws you to a destination. On December 23, a Capricorn new moon emphasizes this and prompts you to embark on a new cycle centered on exploration, spirituality, and education. On December 29, a Mercury retrograde begins, ushering in a time when these themes will be intensely concentrated; we'll speak more about this in January. Let your eyes flit throughout the map for the time being to see what grabs your attention. Regardless of where you are this month, treating yourself to an astrological reading might be a terrific idea. 


Rising Gemini 


While the first week of December will have the usual festive fun and social engagements, the remainder of the month ushers in a more sedate period for you that lasts into the new year. It's a time for reflection, introspection, rest, and reassessment. Mars is continuing its retrograde in Gemini, your first house of self, body, and identity, urging you to think about letting go of aspects of yourself that aren't serving you any longer while we're traveling through retrograde and the terrain is particularly harsh at the moment. Meeting new people while traveling and being uncomfortable may help you understand these reflections more vividly. Your self-awareness grows when you are an outsider, enabling you to view yourself through others' perspectives. 


The full moon in Gemini on December 7 marks the midway point of the retrograde. Think about the ways your identity has changed and evolved over the past six weeks. What's different now? What parts of your identity, body, or look have you let go of? The efforts and labor you have put in over the last two years as well as the last six weeks are highlighted by this full moon. At this full moon, you can also be getting noticed and praised by others since you're prospering. Take it easy during this time because you might feel overstimulated or overexposed; perhaps that means drinking less coffee than usual and getting more rest, especially if you're driving. 


Mercury, your ruling planet, enters Capricorn on Tuesday, December 6, and remains there for a customarily lengthy nine weeks. Why spend so much time in Capricorn? On December 29, Mercury will turn retrograde, significantly lengthening this travel time. For you, Capricorn rules the area of your horoscope that governs loans and debts, both material and interpersonal. You might frequently think about your obligations to others, feeling guilty for what you can't do in some relationships. Get ready to dive deep because this is a part of life you'll be navigating until February 2023. Consider spending more time discussing this with your therapist, if you have one. If not, think about finding one, or ask a reliable friend to join you in the process. You don't have to, and you shouldn't, bear these burdens by yourself. Building reciprocal systems will be one of your greatest life lessons because you can't accomplish these goals on your own. The new moon in Capricorn on Friday, December 23, represents a new stage in life. Traveling at this time might be more about healing than having fun. Accept it. 


Increasing Cancer 


It's been quite a year. You've been working yourself into a frenzy, so you certainly merit a break. Planets moving through your sixth house of work and health at the beginning of the month indicate that burnout is likely to occur if it hasn't already. On December 7, there will be a Gemini full moon, which will emphasize how urgently you need a break. Take one if you have a plan for it. Whether you take the day off or the entire week, make sure you allow yourself enough time and space to completely unwind. Yes, you will require a quiet retreat with a comfortable couch or bed, your preferred streaming services, lots of snacks, and perhaps a lengthy FaceTime with a friend. Even better, if you can get away from the city and book a cabin or bungalow for this time. You must permit yourself to unravel to gain clarity regarding how to strike a balance between your personal and professional lives. This is crucial because the work will continue past 2023. Do you anticipate the globalization of your career? Jupiter returns to Aries on December 20 and will stay there until May 15; this will present you with a wealth of new professional opportunities, some of which will let you travel and take in more of the world. Aim high! You're on the rise. 


You have to figure out how to create enough space in your life until the time comes for the new to enter. It's clear that you're prepared to make some adjustments, but it's okay if you don't know where to begin. Traveling this month can also give you more mental clarity. What can you do to make your desire for more freedom and adventure in your everyday life a reality? 


Mercury and Venus will make their entrance into Capricorn on December 9, your seventh house of relationships, gradually escorting you out of your hiding place and into more social situations. You can't help but be drawn to spending time with the people you love when the planets are in Capricorn, which is ideal for the upcoming holidays. You're being reminded of all the wonderful relationships you've cultivated in your life, which is a testament to your character, from family gatherings to getting together with old friends from high school and college. This is a great time to start planning a trip with your special someone for 2023 if you are in a relationship, whether it be romantically or platonically. A getaway for couples is undoubtedly on the cards for the following year. The only question I have is what is on your bucket list. 


Lin Chen b

Rising Leo 


After a challenging season of change and uncertainty, you enter December yearning for fun. Fortunately, the Sagittarius season is usually a fun time of year for you. You focus on exploring and experimenting with pleasure and creativity as the Sun, your ruler, transits the sign of the archer. Your community or social networks have seen some activity as a result of Mars' retrograde in Gemini; on Wednesday, December 7, a full moon will further emphasize this aspect of your life. Even when you're traveling, you might make new friends, but you're also becoming acutely aware of the internal similarities and differences you possess. Where are you from, and how are your current culture and traditions different from those of your home country? What can you infer from those differences? Be honest with yourself about what makes you comfortable (or uncomfortable), even though you are aware that differences can be celebrated. At this time, avoid getting involved in any disputes between friends or coworkers. Are you in a position to make a meaningful contribution? If not, let people resolve issues on their own. After the full moon's intensity subsides, tensions will dissipate, but it's normal to think about the dynamics for a while because retrogrades sometimes bring up issues that take a while to process. 


Think about new places to visit next year that will encourage your creativity while you goof off with friends or deepen your connections. Which works of art, works of craftsmanship or works of architecture speak to you? There might even be art retreats or programs abroad that could help you improve your craft. Jupiter will re-enter Aries on December 20 and stay there until May 15; this will illuminate your ninth house of international travel and present opportunities for cultural immersion. Make plans right away. 

The official start of the season occurs on December 21, when the sun enters Capricorn, the sign of the winter solstice. For someone whose sign is the sun, this is a noticeable change that will cause you to feel icier and more focused on your work for the next 30 days. You might find yourself suddenly in full planning and strategy mode as you consider everything you need to get done during this slower season. Until you emerge back into the light during the Aries season, which starts on March 20, 2023, be prepared to stay underground. Work hard now so that you can play even  

harder in the spring. 


Aries Rising 


You still be primarily confined to your home as December begins, but that won't last long. Returning and re-rooting at home, whatever that means for you, can bring about a certain type of healing during the Sagittarius season, whether you're visiting family or your ancestral lands. However, as soon as Mercury, your ruling planet enters Capricorn on Tuesday, December 6, followed by Venus on December 9, your attention will turn to creation, play, and joy. Mercury will station retrograde in Capricorn on December 29, which makes its entry into the sign unique because it will stay there for nearly three times as long as it usually does (nine weeks versus three weeks). For you, this entails spending a lot of time enjoying, expressing, and enjoying yourself. What excites you? What causes you to cry out in laughter? What inspires you to be creative? You and Mercury will slow down and spend time exploring over the next two months as you think about these issues. 


On Friday, December 23, a Capricorn new moon begins a new cycle for pleasure, entertainment, and creativity. This new moon represents a brand-new beginning for those of you looking to give birth to something new, whether it's a person or a project. Just keep in mind that the Mercury retrograde begins on the 29th. Even though it might not be the right time to advance rapidly, now is the ideal time to give creation and enjoyment extra attention. What is cooking away inside of you, waiting to burst forth in the new year? 


This is a crucial period for both your professional self and your identity's ongoing development because, for you, they are intertwined. Regaining your love for life benefits both you and those around you because how you see yourself often reflects how others see you. Your public identity is brought into focus by Mars' current retrograde in Gemini as you reconsider how you want to be perceived professionally. What responsibilities do you want to shed, and what new ones would you like to take on? The midpoint of the Mars retrograde occurs on Wednesday, December 7, when there will be a full moon. This will highlight your technical expertise. You might be given the chance to share what you've learned over the past few months if you've been learning something new. Try having fun with it; now is a great time to pick up a new skill or language that will help you better understand a particular culture. 


Scorpio Rising 


You start December as busy as ever, with a full schedule of social engagements and work. Don't worry if you can't get everything done; just try to pace yourself. You alone are a very well-liked individual. Before Venus, your ruling planet enters Capricorn on Friday, December 9, when it will significantly slow down and ground your energy, it will be difficult to catch your breath. Your home and family are represented by the fourth house of Capricorn, and its earthy, secure setting is exactly what you need to unwind and recharge after the exciting but draining Sagittarius season. As things begin to calm down through the end of the year, you'll feel some relief. Try your best to avoid overcommitting yourself to excursions and activities, whether you're traveling to visit family or are simply getting away for a winter vacation. You should take a nap right now. Wherever you are, find a comfortable position and allow yourself to feel anchored, supported, stabilized, and safe. During this time, you might feel compelled to get in touch with nature, which might take the form of going to a park or conservatory to spend some time outside. 


This month, there is a dichotomy in where your energy is directed: On the one hand, you're all about staying put, but on the other, you can't stop daydreaming about the trips you want to take or have planned for 2023. This makes sense because Mars has been traveling backward in your ninth house of international travel for more than a month, and the midpoint of the Mars retrograde will be marked by the Gemini full moon on Wednesday, December 7. This might help you figure out where you want to go next, but it will also motivate you to start saving and making plans for your future travels. As a rising Libra who may struggle with decision-making, knowing what you don't want or can't have can be a huge relief. Having a realistic view of your finances will help you determine what types of trips are out of your budget. Consider what you've learned on your travels in 2022 if you find yourself on the road during this time. What was your major this year, considering that travel can be an education unto itself? What would be your argument? In 2023, what do you hope to learn from your travels? If you're bored on your upcoming flight, these would make excellent journal prompts. 


On Friday, December 23, a Capricorn new moon will refocus your attention on your foundation, ancestry, and upbringing. You may want to wait to book travel from now until the retrograde is over on January 19, but now is a great time to plan. Examine your options over the next three weeks, investigate various lodgings and excursions, and postpone making any purchases until the end of January. Consider enjoying the great indoors as you wait for the new year. What kinds of journeys can you take inside your house? You might feel compelled to research your ancestry and request an ancestry test as a holiday present. Ask questions now if you have relatives who are more knowledgeable about your past; you never know what fascinating tales they may have to tell. 

Lin Chen c

Scorpio Ascending 


Over the past two years, your relationship with money has undergone significant change. This month, you might be prepared to make a significant purchase. Why not start by organizing a fun summer trip? It's been a hell of a year, and you probably crave a good time. Consider what truly makes you happy and what kinds of experiences you enjoy the most. For you, there is a spiritual component to everything—music, art, dancing, even sex. Find out which of your favorite performers are on tour the following year; you might want to take a trip for an event like Envision in Costa Rica or Primavera Sound in Barcelona. In December, as the Sun, Mercury, and Venus transit through Sagittarius, you might be tempted to spend some money on an exciting future adventure. Provide yourself with something to anticipate. 


The ability to save and manage your money, as well as possibly the money of others, is the antithesis of being able to spend. You are acutely aware of any areas where you may need to rebalance your input and output, both financially and in terms of relationships, as a result of Mars' retrograde motion in Gemini over the past month. During this time, you might need to solicit financial assistance or other forms of support from others, or you might find yourself in a position where you must provide support for a loved one. The Gemini full moon on Wednesday, December 7, which falls at the midpoint of the Mars retrograde, shines a spotlight on your part in this dynamic. There will undoubtedly be revelations about the power relationships you are a part of at this time. The next five weeks will be spent focusing on fresh methods for making better use of your time and energy. 


A busy week of local travel and engagements begins on Friday, December 9, when Mercury and Venus both enter Capricorn, followed by the sun at the winter solstice on December 21. Given that it is the holiday shopping season, you can anticipate spending some time browsing local shops and markets to find presents for friends, family, and perhaps even yourself. If you're traveling during this time, spend some time outside exploring and learning more about the area where you'll be staying. Then, on Friday, December 23, a new moon in Capricorn gives you a fresh boost of inspiration to learn a new skill, perhaps a language or a natural study like botany or herbalism. You're drawn even more deeply into practice by Mercury's upcoming retrograde in Capricorn, which starts on Thursday, December 29. Take your time with it. With so much to look forward to in 2023, you'll end the year with hope and optimism. 



Capricorn Rising 


You are reevaluating your relationships and the dynamic situations you frequently find yourself in as we go into December. You are also investigating the origins of these patterns. You may realize that you have outgrown some of the beliefs you were raised with because Jupiter, your ruling planet, will be in your fourth house of home, family, heritage, and roots for the first three weeks of December, and Mars will be retrograde in your seventh house of relationships and partnerships. People you are in relationships with will most likely reflect these realizations in you. You may be confronted with pieces of yourself that you are actively rejecting when you experience conflict right now, whether it's internal or external. You may come to see that you're unconsciously rejecting aspects of yourself that were never given the chance to be completely integrated, or you may have reached the point where you're prepared to let go and move on from certain things. Consider it carefully. On Wednesday, December 7, the Gemini full moon coincides with the halfway point of the Mars retrograde, bringing with it a heightened awareness of this struggle and the capacity to proceed with more understanding. 


Mercury and Venus, the planets of money, spending, and material possessions in your horoscope, leave Sagittarius for Capricorn on December 9th. Don't be shocked if you find yourself spending money on future vacations, especially after the start of the Capricorn season on December 21. You'll probably want to spend money on a memorable experience for yourself. Jupiter, your governing planet, enters Aries on December 20 and remains there until May 16, 2023, putting a lot of emphasis on joy, enjoyment, and amusement for you. A trip you can look forward to in the spring or summer is a terrific idea to start preparing for in December. If you already know where you're going, start organizing the logistics, such as hotels, excursions, or even new bags. Give top priority to activities and places that will make you feel good on the inside and may, for you, involve some risk or danger. (Ready to arrange your skydiving excursion?) 


After the Capricorn new moon on December 23, we close the year with a Mercury retrograde that starts on December 29. This will give your financial situation more attention. Keep a tighter check on your wallet if you find yourself traveling during this period, and be careful not to spend money you'll regret. While shopping in the latter part of December and early in the new year, save your receipts and familiarize yourself with return policies. Additionally, now is an excellent opportunity to give away any unwanted clothing or electronics. 


Scorpio Rising 


As Sagittarius season is a time of turning inward and finding space to take care of yourself and your mental health, December begins for you quite quietly. In the first week of December, you will probably feel the lure of solitude. If you can find a way to spend a few days away from the city, you'll probably find it to be quite beneficial and refreshing. 

The three-year transit of Saturn, your ruling planet, through Aquarius, which has primarily been about investing in yourself, changing your relationship with money, and establishing long-term stability in your finances, will come to an end over the coming months. Saturn is still gaining momentum in December. You've come a long way in three hard and challenging years. This month, you'll get a chance to pause, take stock, and consider how far you've come. Your capacity to find more mobility in your daily life in the coming year, as well as when Saturn enters Pisces in early March 2023, will be a result of the stability you've built for yourself. When springtime arrives, you'll be prepared for more adventure if you start planning where you'd like to travel and what you'd like to see in your city or region. 


This month, you probably spent most of your time at work rather than getting out and about. You've had to take a second look at the lifestyle you now lead and the job you have as a result of Mars' retrograde in Gemini, your sixth house of work and wellness. At this time in your life, what kind of work is it that you should be doing? What kind of lifestyle would enable you to achieve the desired work-life balance? On Wednesday, December 7, a Gemini full moon amplifies these issues and draws attention to how your friends, coworkers, and the living situation may be causing any stress or strain at work. 


Mercury and Venus will have entered Capricorn by December 9 and will restore some of your charisma and vigor. Venus in Capricorn encourages you to step out and let people notice and admire your beauty and charm. Take yourself out for a nice dinner that you can dress up for if you are traveling at this time. You deserve some recognition and congratulations because you've had so many highs and lows during the past five years. After that, on Friday, December 23, the Capricorn new moon offers a brand-new beginning for your relationship with yourself, your identity, and your body, before Mercury stations retrograde on December 29 and extends its customary three-week stay in Capricorn while highlighting the work that needs to be done about choosing a new career path. However, there's no urgency because Retrograde Land won't end until late January; your task is to weigh your alternatives and, in the meantime, make an effort to have fun. 


Capricorn Rising 


You are encouraged to consider your progress over the past year as well as the previous three years as Saturn steadily moved through Aquarius, fortifying you from the inside out in ways you never imagined possible. We are now entering the final month of the year. Although it has been a challenging path, your community has been a steady source of happiness throughout. The focus is particularly placed on your support systems in December. These are the folks who will support you and encourage you when things get difficult. Simply accept assistance when it is offered to you. As you continue your transformation, you're probably becoming pregnant with something new to give birth to in the coming year. 

On Wednesday, December 7, the Gemini full moon marks the halfway point of Mars' retrograde in Gemini, which will sharpen your creative faculties. What fresh concepts have been forming? You could be thinking of learning new professional methods or leveraging the ones you currently know how to do to create something new, but you're not sure what it is yet. That's alright. You're not supposed to know everything right now, so make sure to look around, have an open mind, and consider your possibilities. This investigation may include going outside the neighborhood. You could have greater access to inspiration than you think. Again, you need not be aware of what you are looking for; instead, be receptive to what attracts you. 


Throughout the month, when the planets move into Capricorn, you'll probably start to withdraw and seek solitude. By December 9th, Mercury, Venus, and the sun will all be in the sign of Capricorn. The winter solstice will occur on December 21st. Even when a few holidays coincide with this, you could be compelled to go on a solo getaway. You won't regret taking the opportunity to get away and explore the mountains or woodlands. Although the window is limited due to Mercury's retrograde in Capricorn, which began on December 29, higher elevations might help you achieve the metaphorical distance you need for mental and spiritual clarity. When that moment arrives, your task is to accept the uncertainty, cultivate faith, and have faith that the universe is on your side. 


Rising Pisces 


You may be feeling a little disoriented and uncertain about where you ought to be right now and where you want to go because so much has been going on in the background for you this year. First things first: you are exactly where you should be. Your current task is to make full use of the optimism, trust, and assurance that Jupiter in Pisces is bestowing upon you. It stays there until December 20th, when it finally moves into the sign of Aries and won't return to Pisces for another 12 years. Even though you might not be aware of it right now, Jupiter has given you an expansion that has transformed the way you feel about yourself, your body, and how you occupy space. You will carry this newfound confidence into your travels, career, and general way of life since you are different in subtle but major ways. 


The previous month has been heavily focused on your professional life and public persona. You may always be debating the kinds of roles you want to play professionally, the sector you want to work in, and even the kind of job that's best for you. The important thing is that you're asking the proper questions and devoting time to thinking about how to lead a more satisfying and richer life. These questions may not necessarily have definite answers this month. As Mars continues to retrograde in Gemini, things are heating up at home in contrast to your professional conundrums. There's a level of instability and conflict keeping you from feeling as safe and secure as you'd want right now, whether it's due to never-ending home repairs, the need to clean and clear away rubbish, a dispute within the family, or having to transfer places entirely. The Gemini full moon on December 7th, which also coincides with the midpoint of the Mars retrograde, brings this to a head. Now is a better time to make improvements because you'll probably have to spend a lot of money. Your trip money may be temporarily drained by funds flowing toward home expenses. Unless you've decided to become nomadic (which very well may be the case), you deserve a cozy nest, so giving it a priority right away is the smart thing to do. 


Throughout this month, seek comfort and assistance from your friends and the wider community. You are reminded of the allies you have who genuinely want you to succeed as the planets enter Capricorn. Organizing a friend's trip for the next year might be something that can help you get through this period. Start thinking about vacation spots that you and your best pals will all like as you catch up with family and friends this holiday season. Although now isn't the best time to start making reservations because Mars is retrograde and Mercury will be commencing its retrograde on December 29, it is a great time to examine and investigate your possibilities. While a cross-country road trip is best done in the spring, during Scorpio season (from October 23 to November 21), the following year will be ideal for more in-depth international travel, such as backpacking in Southeast Asia or trekking in Patagonia. As you prepare for a brand-new year and close out 2023, give yourself something to look forward to. 


This piece was first published in its entirety in Condé Nast Traveler US. Was your December 2022 horoscope enjoyable? Take a moment to recall November. 

2022-12-01  Diana Solomon